If your looking to get into a profession that is as challenging as it is rewarding, then learning about different careers in Social Service and Community may be right for you. Community and social service workers provide front-line services in a variety of settings. They provide counseling and support, outreach and engagement to the isolated, and help the disadvantaged to meet their basic needs for food, shelter and clothing. This path can vary greatly in regard to actual work performed.
Where Are The Careers in Social Service?
Community & Social Service Careers cover a wide range of jobs including: Health educators, marriage and family therapists, probation officers, rehabilitation counselors, human services assistants as well as social workers and substance abuse counselors. These types of jobs can be found at welfare agencies, schools, and community service organizations among other places. Many of these jobs do require some sort of post-secondary degree for entry level positions. However, there are some exceptions, such as a human service assistant. Some jobs such as a substance abuse counselor will range in required education from a HS degree to a master’s degree.[ii]
Did you know?
- The 2014 median annual wage for workers in the Community & Social Services industry was $41,290. [ii]
- Going by 2014 annual median salary, the top paying jobs within this area are: Social workers, Educational Counselors, Healthcare Social Workers and Health Educators – in that order. [v]
- There is faster than average growth in multiple careers within this sector. For example, Social and human service assistants (19% of the total group) are expected to grow by 22% between 2012-2022. Mental Health Counselors (6% of the total group). are expected to grow 29% and Substance Abuse Counselors are expected to grow by 31%.[v]
- 73% percent of the Community and Social Services workforce had at least earned a bachelor’s degree in January 2015. Among counselors, 53 percent reported their highest degree earned was at least a master’s degree in January 2015.[vi]
- From 2005 to 2012 the number of private establishments in this subsector grew steadily each year averaging 5.6% each year.Then in 2013 the growth increased dramatically compared to 2012 at 263%. [iii]
Sources: [i] data.bls.gov/timeseries/ENUUS000205624?data_tool=XGtable | [ii] bls.gov/oes/current/oes210000.htm [iii] bls.gov/iag/tgs/iag624.htm#workplace_trends [iv] bls.gov/opub/mlr/2013/article/industry-employment-and-output-projections-to-2022.htm [v] earnmydegree.com/sites/all/files/public/salary-social-services-bls.pdf [vi] dpeaflcio.org/professionals/professionals-in-the-workplace/social-service-professionals/#_ednref1